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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bogor Puncak Pass - Tea Picking

Bogor Puncak Pass - If your on travel and like to do stuff out of the ordinary, why not try to do some tea picing activity at Bogor Puncak Pass. Where can we do this? well first of all the best plac to do this is in Indonesia. Some of the best tea are from Indonesia, and specifically in Bogor. Bogor is known and famous for its cold mountain weather and is alson known as the rain city of indonesia. At the peak along the highway, exactly are the tea gardens. Not far you can also find the plantation. There you can often see the tea pickers doing there job with skill full hands. They are usually seen in the middle of a stretch of tea gardens, wearing the trademark hat of farmers called the Caping.
Tourist Tea picking

Bogor Puncak Pass tea pickers ranged from 15 to 20 people gathered in a single group. Their job is just picking tea leaves at the top, then the leaves are put into a basket placed on the back of their body.

Tea pickers doing some tea picking scenery is indeed one of the interesting sights in the Peak area. Just imagine, between the green expanse of tea plantations, they look like jewelry, because their clothes are colorful and look so beautiful in the sea of green. If you're curious, you can try to approach them. While little chat you can also pick their own tea.
You can also ask, what next after the tea leaves are collected, to finally get to the processing plant tea.
Quite right, your knowledge of tea can grow, and can also be used as the exciting experience to tell your family and friends So on your next travel and adventure, why not try to visit Bogor Puncak Pass and grab a Caping and start Tea picking your self.


  1. Beautiful pictures with a nice narration. I am visiting Puncak this weekend with family. My kids would love love to do this. Thanks for sharing


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